Bra feedback från USA

Från en av våra distributörer i USA, fick vi detta trevliga mail.

“I did use a new Gobius, version 4.0, on our display to see how the installation and initial startup works. It worked first time. Customers have been really happy too. I have had a couple people who had the older versions buy newer ones and they are really enjoying the not having to go through the setup 3 or 4 times to get everything set. Its a win so far!  I will keep you updated on issues that I hear but none so far. Thanks, Tucker”

Vår kommentar: Tucker Rawl arbetar som  teknisk ansvarig på Marine Sanitation & Supply i Seattle. De är experter på toalettsystem för fritidsbåtar men även för husbilar och mobila hem. Besök gärna

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