Gobius Pro
The Gobius Pro sensor is mounted on the outside of metal or plastic fluid tanks. No more mounting on the inside of the tank, no more drilling of holes. The sensor can work alone on a tank but also together with several Gobius Pro sensors.
The sensor has built-in Bluetooth communication for Android and iOS phones. The app is used to program the initial settings of the sensor, display measurements and more.
Our article number: 970480 -
Gobius 1, ¾ Tank alarm for waste tanks
A simple system for overflow protection, which prevents you from inadvertently filling your waste tank, that is, it tells you when the tank is 3/4-full and the toilet can’t be used until the tank is empty again.
Only one sensor is attached to the outside of the tank. Gobius 1 is also an entry product. You may always later upgrade to Gobius 4 showing four levels. See also our accessories price list.
Our article number: 970374. -
Gobius 4, tank monitor for waste tanks
The perfect tank monitor for your waste tank whether it is in metal or plastic. LEDs of different colors show four levels; empty, 1 / 4-, 1 / 2- and 3/4-full. 3 sensors mounted (glued) with a 3M adhesive tape on the outside of your tank.
It is very easy to retrofit onto both old and new tanks. Fully automatic installation ensures that usually does not take more than 30 minutes to install. It could not be easier!
Our article number: 970442. -
Gobius 1, level switch for water, fuel and other fluid tanks
A simple level switch to your water, fuel or other fluid tank. Telling you when the tank is almost empty.
Good addition to an existing gauge. Only one sensor attached to the outside of the tank at the alarm level you want. This can always be upgraded to Gobius 4.
Our article number: 970384. -
Gobius 4, tank monitor for water, fuel and fluid tanks
Equaly simple and ingenious as Gobius 4 for waste tanks. But here it glows red when the tank is becoming empty, and it is time to refill it.
The Gobius Measurement System is based on our patented technology (Gobius Sensor Technology) that can best be described as knocking and listening. The same version of our product works for tanks containing water, diesel, gasoline and other fluids.
Our article number: 970497. -
Gobius C, for all kind of fluids, 0-100% (stepless)
We are now introducing a completely new tank monitor system that gives you the exact level and volume, regardless of the tank’s geometry. Gobius C is developed for you who want to know the exact tank level so there is no guessing, no in-tank installation, and no in-tank mess.
Simple and precise so you can ’C’ inside your tank accurately. Gobius C integrates with other gauges and control systems and displays also information on your phone or Windows PC. More informations, please visit Gobius C web-site. Version 3.0. Our article number: 970526.
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