Gobius Tank Monitor Systems, version 5.0 is now released

FM Marin AB continues to develop its unique measurement method, Gobius Sensor Technology, i.e. to measure the fluid level from the outside tank, nothing on the inside, no drilling holes. Over the past year, they have built a new platform that will make it easier to integrate Gobius tank gauges with other instruments and different bus systems. The new platform also makes it easier to add new features in the future and create OEM versions according to the needs of boat manufacturers. Gobius supports now 0-5 Volt, 10-190 Ohm, 240-33 Ohm, 4-20 mA and On/Off signals for empty and full tank. Gobius has also supported 12-24 Volts for several years.
Older systems can easily be upgraded by only replacing the Control Unit. All Gobius products are available for delivery from 1 of August.

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